Freelance Internal-audit

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Niet beschikbaar Beschikbaar {{ user.availableFromFormat }}
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{{ user.displayName }}

{{ user.shortDesc }} {{ user.fullDesc }}
{{ user.ratings.overall.toFixed(1) }}/5.0 {{ user.hourlyRateFormat }} per uur

Selecteer een lijst

€ 65
per uur


€ 65
per uur
Quality Assurance & Auditing consultancy: implementatie / ondersteuning / interne audits / BRC food - BRC packaging FSSC 22000 - ISO 22000 - I…
Niet beschikbaar
€ 92
per uur


€ 92
per uur
I bring a hands-on approach with care, quality and thoughtfulness to everybody who wants to challenge the status quo by sharing my expertise and by e…
Niet beschikbaar
€ 115
per uur


€ 115
per uur
Founder @Nfident bv. Benelux Solutions Partner for DAB gmbh - Data Analytics, 300+ predefined analytics, Automation, Process Mining and GRC solutio…
Niet beschikbaar
€ 90
per uur


€ 90
per uur
Senior finance professional & people manager with a 15+ years of proven success record specializing in the following fields of expertise: - filling …
Niet beschikbaar


Background in finance, risk management and controlling role in a dynamic, collaborative environment where I can bring immediate and strategic value. …
Niet beschikbaar
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