Freelance Gdpr

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Niet beschikbaar Beschikbaar {{ user.availableFromFormat }}
Niet beschikbaar

{{ user.displayName }}

{{ user.shortDesc }} {{ user.fullDesc }}
{{ user.ratings.overall.toFixed(1) }}/5.0 {{ user.hourlyRateFormat }} per uur

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I’m convinced that my entrepreneurial and strategical background, my hands on approach and extensive experience as Data Protection Officer en Project…
€ 92 per uur


€ 92 per uur
I bring a hands-on approach with care, quality and thoughtfulness to everybody who wants to challenge the status quo by sharing my expertise and by e…
Niet beschikbaar
€ 90 per uur


€ 90 per uur
Heel wat ervaring met diverse toepassingen (gaande van Wordpress tot Filemaker Pro - Claris), maar ook algemeen ICT-beleid en projectbegeleiding. Bie…
Niet beschikbaar


co-founded a Managed Linux hosting company, and grew it from a part-time student-job to one of the top-5 hosting companies in our country, with 20 em…
Niet beschikbaar
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